Universität Oxford

So leistungsstark wie an dem Tag, an dem es 2009 verlegt wurde.

Die 700 m² große Fläche der Sporthalle der Oxford University, auf der 2009 der Sportboden Boflex Stadium verlegt wurde, ist auch nach 10 Jahren intensiver Benutzung so leistungsstark wie am ersten Tag.

Dazu Facilities Manager Shaun Fleming: “Der Boden hat eine tolle Performance –Tag für Tag." Er wird alle achtzehn Monate neu versiegelt.

Boflex Stadium, das dem höchsten europäischen Standard (EN14904) entspricht, hat eine niedrige Bodenhöhe von nur 28 mm und verfügt über eine integrierte Stoßdämpfung, die sich für Spiele und Aktivitäten von Kindern ebenso eignet wie für das Gewicht schwerer Tribünen.

Boflex carries the unique combination of a built-in shock absorption material and a stable construction that can withstand almost unlimited loads. This makes the floor system ideal for venues with multi-purpose usage (schools for examples) and large arenas. The uniform performance suits children as well as adults, with good bounce and friction. Even after twenty years, Boflex performs as day one.

Tests conducted by SINTEF (formerly The Norwegian Building Research Institute) shows that Boflex surpasses all its rivals and performs exceptionally well when being used by children and adults protecting body joints from shocks.

Boflex offers flexibility to accommodate your needs. Due to its extremely low building height, it is well suited for renovation purposes. The floor system is suitable with underfloor heating, for rolling loads and allows both hardwood and elastic surfaces (Boflex Champion).

Tests show that the system can withstand an almost unlimited load, due to the special built-in foam under-structure that can never be compresses more than 50% making the system suitable for tackling the heavy weight grandstands.

Boflex must be installed on an even and selfsupporting sub-floor, or on top of an existing floor.